Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Took a break from TLP

We decided to take a break from TLP for a couple weeks. WhAdd Imageat harm could it do? We were going skiing, to Vegas, we had company, etc. Just a little break!

Well, my potty-trained (an accident every week or so) little girl is now having accidents 3 - 5 times per day!

In a previous post, I shared that Chloe had graduated from her happy/sad bee behavioral program at school. She had been doing so well. Today, she kicked another child and pulled out a little girl's hearing aid. Thankfully she only got her hearing aid and not her cochlear implant!!!

Her teacher sent a note home and told us about the incident. I loved her positive spin. She said, "This goes to show just how far Chloe has come. This type of thing used to happen every day and now it is out of the ordinary for Chloe to behave this way."

Chloe listened to her music twice today!!!

On a serious note, her brain was formed for over 3.5 years when we started this program. We have been on it for about 6 months. New connections are being made every day because her little brain is so plastic (so is yours). That said, we should not have expected those changes to "stick" in such a short amount of time. First the new paths have to be created, then they have to be solidified. This takes time and persistence. We have learned our lesson!

What's Woo Name?

This whole Listening Program (www.thelisteningprogram.com) has thrown me for a real loop. It's a love/hate relationship. While I love that Chloe can talk now...I wish she would use a bit more discretion.

Chloe has figured out how to open the lock on the bathroom stall door (in public restrooms). This typically means I am going to bathroom with the door wide open. This is not a big problem, embarrassing but not horrifying.

When Chloe exits my stall, she begins peeking into the cracks of the other doors. It took me a minute to figure out what she was doing but when it dawned on me, it was horrifying. I could hear her shuffling from door to door until she came to an occupied stall at which point she peered into the crack and asked, "What's woo name?" Since the woman didn't answer and things didn't click for me she repeated herself (more than once and louder each time). "What's woo name?!?!?"

Oh my gosh!!! I pulled up my pants and raced out the door to see her peeking into a woman's stall asking, "What's your name?"

I wish I could say this only happened once!