Thursday, March 19, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Five things this week reminded me that it is the little things in life that matter most.

1. Earlier this week, Chloe's friend Lily came over to play. Lily was teasing Chloe saying that Chloe's baby Joe Joe was Lily's. Lily: "That's my Joe Joe." Chloe: "No, that's my Joe, Joe." Lily, "No that's my Joe Joe." Chloe, "No, that's my Joe Joe!!!" Lily: "That's my Joe Joe." Chloe, "NO, THAT'S MY JOE JOE!!!!" This went on for a few minutes...long enough for me to email Lily's mom to tell her, "The girls are arguing and it is music to my ears."

2. This morning both kids were in bed with me. I got up for a minute. When I came back Chloe said, "Wook Mommy." I looked and what did I see? My two beautiful babies lying in bed together holding each other's hands. Music to my eyes :)

3. Quinn got himself a glass of water and Chloe wanted some too. After I gave her the water, she looked at her brother and said, 'I have water too Quinn." No big deal you say...perhaps you have never had a child that didn't speak until she was over 3.5 years old.

4. Quinn got hit in the head with a ladder today. After giving him an ice pack and making him comfy, I came back downstairs. His baby sister looked at me and said with all of the concern in the world, "Quinn okay Mommy?"

5. We had Chloe's parent teacher conference today. The teaching assistant in her room (Miss Nancy) said, "I feel like I have always had very high expectations of the kids with whom I work. I expect a lot of James (her son with special needs) too. I never, ever imagined when I met Chloe one year ago that she would be where she is today. Her progress has been unbelievable." Nancy and Heather (Chloe's teacher) said that a few months ago they would have thought Chloe would need SSN (lots of help, special classroom, etc.) in kindergarten. Now they are saying that they cannot predict because if she continues on the developmental path she has been on since starting TLP, she will end up being in a typical classroom with special need resources.

I believe that all of these things are an answer to prayer. God heard our cries and sent us to the right therapist at the right time and she (Heather, OT) recommended The Listening Program. Like the little plaque my grandma gave Quinn at his baptism says, "God answers knee mail!"

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